A photo of a swan on a lake with reflections

Hi, I’m Marco, a wildlife & nature advocate based in the UK.

As a passionate wildlife photographer, I have dedicated my lens to capturing the beauty and wonder of the natural world that lies just beyond our doorsteps. I firmly believe that by showcasing the incredible biodiversity found in our gardens, local parks, and nature reserves, we can inspire people of all ages to connect with and protect the environment that surrounds them.


My mission is to ignite a spark of curiosity and appreciation for nature in the hearts of individuals, young and old. Through my captivating photographs, I aim to encourage people to take a closer look at the vibrant ecosystems thriving right in their own neighbourhoods. By highlighting the incredible variety of wildlife that can be found in these everyday spaces, I hope to foster a deeper understanding of the need to preserve and protect our native flora and fauna.


Through my work, I seek to shed light on the pressing issues facing our native wildlife. The removal of woodlands, intensive farming practices, pesticide usage, the elimination of hedges between houses, and the paving over of front gardens have all taken a toll on the delicate balance of our ecosystem. By showcasing the beauty that can be found in even the smallest green spaces, I aim to raise awareness about the importance of habitat preservation and the need for sustainable practices that benefit our wildlife.


My photography style is characterized by a deep respect for the subject and a keen eye for detail. I will spend time getting to know my subject and its behaviours. This inevitably means that I use the slow approach to get my images by waiting and watching. Armed with the knowledge of animal behaviours gives me an advantage, but it is mainly a waiting and watching game in the end that gets the shot. I strive to capture intimate moments and convey the personalities of the animals that share our surroundings. From delicate birds nesting in urban trees to vibrant insects exploring blooming flowers, my photographs capture the intricate connections between organisms and their environment, reminding viewers of the interconnectedness of all life forms.


2022 | Bird Photographer of the Year - Shortlisted entry
2023 | Bird Photographer of the Year - Shortlisted entry